About the host company
The Swedish-American Chambers of Commerce, SACC-USA, is the umbrella organization for 19 regional chambers across the United States. The mission of the SACC network is to facilitate trade, investment and knowledge exchange between Sweden and the U.S in both directions. In 2022, SACC-USA embarked on an exciting project called SIREUS.
About the project: SIREUS is a three-year long collaboration project between The Swedish American Chambers of Commerce (SACC-USA) and 11 Swedish universities. The main focus is on knowledge exchange in innovation, science, and entrepreneurship, as well as talent mobility for students and researchers between Sweden and the U.S. This project is carried out in close collaboration with the Swedish universities, the Embassy of Sweden in Washington D.C. and the Swedish Institute. The project has since its launch gained great momentum and in January 2023, SIREUS Affiliation of American Universities was launched.
About the project
SIREUS is a three-year long collaboration project between The Swedish American Chambers of Commerce (SACC-USA) and 11 Swedish universities. The main focus is on knowledge exchange in innovation, science, and entrepreneurship, as well as talent mobility for students and researchers between Sweden and the U.S. This project is carried out in close collaboration with the Swedish universities, the Embassy of Sweden in Washington D.C. and the Swedish Institute. The project has since its launch gained great momentum and in January 2023, SIREUS Affiliation of American Universities was launched.